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A Cold Call Example from a Financial Advisor financial consultant

This is a cold call example of a call from a financial advisor with some analysis of what went well and what could have been done better. We discuss some tips in the discussion of what could have been done differently and you can get more explanation on those tips on our blog here

0:00 – Call Example
2:00 – Call Analysis and Review

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A Cold Call Example from a Financial Advisor

A Cold Call Example from a Financial Advisor

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A Cold Call Example from a Financial Advisor
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23 thoughts on “A Cold Call Example from a Financial Advisor financial consultant”

  1. “How are you doing!” Who the fuck cares. Such a lame opening. How about, hello hey Steve this is XYZ from sales advisers I know you’re busy I’ll be brief” shows respect for their time and that you’re all business. Asking people how they are so passé you might as well be selling mattresses or used cars..

  2. Thank you for that valuable insight. I have sold everything and anything over the phone. I work for a Financial Planner in South Africa. One has to have the right questions lined up and be gutsy or the clients will chew you up.

  3. Very good analysis and very helpful!!! I just started a career as an investment sales advisor, so although it's a bit different, alot of your cold calling analysis applies to the cold calling I do too. So thank you very much.

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  5. The beginning was close to how I used to call. But, he had no personality. And too scripted. If somebody says they have an Advisor, you say "Great, it wouldn't hurt to get a second set of eyes on that and make sure you're on the right track." "Are you available mornings or afternoons?"
    Talk normal like you're talking to an acquaintance and like you're doing him a favor, you're here to help, but you're not desperate. If he says no 2x-3x its a dead call. You can't say the right thing to the wrong person, and vice versa. Its a numbers game. 300 dials a day!

  6. He said he wanted to connect with him at a more appropriate time. Well, shouldn’t that time be now?
    Also, when the client said he already has an advisor, the rep said he could contact him at a late date to offer more information. But I’m not sure the client wants to hear it.
    I think this guy needs to find something he is happier with

  7. That call was TERRIBLE….. what are you talking about. The caller didn't establish any rapport, cut way too the chase, and didn't even try to understand the person. Geez I could've done way better than that and I'm a newb.

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