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Facebook CEO: 'We're a technology company. We… technology company

With increasing concerns about Facebook’s growing influence over the media, CEO Mark Zuckerberg insists, “We’re not a media company…We do not produce any of the content.” .

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Facebook CEO: 'We're a technology company. We...

Facebook CEO: 'We're a technology company. We…

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Facebook CEO: 'We're a technology company. We…
technology company
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8 thoughts on “Facebook CEO: 'We're a technology company. We… technology company”

  1. No, you’re not a tech company, that just ridiculous. You’re an ad platform. If you want to call yourself a “advertisement technology company” fine but that’s what you are. So stop the nonsense.

    Otherwise, let me ask the golden question: where does most of Facebook’s gold/money come from? Ads. Case closed.

    So fine, it’s not s problem, but people gotta know the difference. The same applies to google, YouTube and the MSM. They’re excuses to sell you ads.

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