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Mr. Gadget® on LED Light Bulb Technology and the C. Crane GeoBulb new a/c technology

In this deliberately LONG FORM instructional video, The One and Only Mr. Gadget® discusses LED light bulb technology. He says there is deliberately misleading and confusing information from most LED light bulb manufacturers, making it difficult for consumers to accurately research the field and then to make an informed, intelligent choice. He has found ONE little manufacturer doing it right, delivering a product that bests the rest. In this informative video, borne out of the confusion, consumers learn what to look for in getting the most LED light bulb for the least money; the most usable light for the fewest watts used – more light, least cost for electricity. In addition, he discusses the ideal uses for these bulbs that cost considerably more than standard 60W bulbs and 13W equivalent CFLs, but will pay for themselves in energy saving. DISCLAIMER from Steve Kruschen: I am pleased to be working with C. Crane Company on promoting the GeoBulb, which I began editorially evaluating early in its development. To now, I have accepted no payment. It is the classic labor of love. I always tell it the way I see it. Now, it is the best of both worlds because I am getting paid to promote a company I trust and recommend and a product that I actually believe in. True to my credo, I would never steer you wrong! I can’t be bought. First, I must believe in what I recommend. Always. .

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Mr. Gadget® on LED Light Bulb Technology and the C. Crane GeoBulb

Mr. Gadget® on LED Light Bulb Technology and the C. Crane GeoBulb

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Mr. Gadget® on LED Light Bulb Technology and the C. Crane GeoBulb
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9 thoughts on “Mr. Gadget® on LED Light Bulb Technology and the C. Crane GeoBulb new a/c technology”

  1. I think time will tell if LED's are as long lasting as CFL's (mind you the CFL's that I've used don't last as long as Incandescent). Presently enjoying a Phillips 12.5 Watt LED light and am not disappointed. Price is a big obstacle for LED's but they'll drop as adoption rates go up.

  2. I think incandescent lamps, in general, tax cooling efforts in hot weather more than they aid cold weather heating in a typical home setting. There are many variables. In comparison to CFLs, cooling and heating issues are not as much a factor against LEDs. It is safe to say that LED bulbs have no measurable effect upon room heating OR cooling.

  3. I love LED bulbs I just wish they would come down in price to remove the need for CFL's. Working class people can't afford to buy $20 LED bulb's for every room/closet of their house's or apartment's.

  4. Thank you for viewing. It would seem there is quite a need for information such as this and nowhere is it found. There is much self-serving info to be found, but none covers what consumers need to know as I have tried to do. As for LALEDUS.COM, I looked, and found there is nothing from them in the area of residential applications, so it is not relevant to consumers as is this info on the topic and recommending the GeoBulb. Still the best, lowest energy consumption with the most light.

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