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Different, definitely different!
In this episode you are going to see a Japanese backpacking stove which is known as the Soto G Stove ST-320.
It’s a ‘Cassette’ stove and you likely haven’t seen anything like it before.
Link : Find on eBay
Price : $80 – $300
Weight : Stove with case : 15.6oz
Stove with Gas full Canister : 1lb 11.5oz
Material: Body = Aluminum / Stainless, Tinder = Aluminum die-casting, Valve = Brass
Measurement of the stove folded : approx. 1” deep – 3 “ wide – 5.5” long
Measurements of the Stove attached with gas can : 14.” long
BTU: Every source that I have looked at states a different figure in regards to performance. Some say its 8,000 BTUS while others state 9,900.
Canvas case
Book stove – which you may know as a cassette stove. 90% of you have likely never heard that term before.
Butane canisters are CHEAP; 12 of these for $25
Brand Soto, which is owned by the Japanese company Shinfuji Burner Co., specializing mainly in the design and manufacturing of outdoor gear, has recently introduced a new gas burner stove G-Stove ST-320, which inherits the previous version Soto STG-10. The new burner stove stands out for its original design, which combines a relatively compact size, a good protection from the wind and a high level of stability on different surfaces and for its ability of adapting to the size of any pots and dishes.
The case of G-Stove ST-320 is designed as a book, in it is placed directly with the burner control, and Heat Reflector with gas ignition and a curved stand under the cookware. To fix the burner on the open box special grooves are fixed with clips. Two folding aluminum frames support the canister from the outer side of a gas stove.
At this point, the burner Soto G-Stove ST-320 is officially available only for the Japanese market. The cost of the burner stove starts from $100 depending on the choice of retailers.
For anyone who is unfamiliar with butane gas canisters, that notch is important, and needs to be facing up when in use. The reason is that the notch is aligned with a tube inside the gas canister, and that tube ends up along the inside edge wall. When the notch is facing up, the intake for the tube is also at the top. Why does this matter? Because the gas canister needs to send out vaporized gas, not liquid. So the tube alignment facing up ensures that only vaporize gas is released through the fuel exit point.]
Since I learned of this stove and got one of them in, I have learned from a viewer that in Japan at least they are very common stove but there are stoves much are much cheaper than this which work just as well.
Pezo ignitor doesn’t always work and from what I heard have a high failure rate.
Popular with motorcycle riders because of the slim form factor
Connecting to Butane cans can be troublesome if you are not experience.
There is another version of this stove which is called the STG-10: 2.9kW – offers more btus
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soto g stove 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.
Bếp Ga dã ngoại SOTO ST-320 Chính Hãng | ChuyenTactical
Bếp Ga dã ngoại SOTO ST-320 · Kích thước: (W x D x H): 6.0 x 7.7 x 3.0 inches (15.3 x 19.5 x 7.7 cm). · Cân nặng: 13.4 oz (380 g). · Xếp gọn: (W x D x H): 5.6 x …
Source: chuyentactical.com
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Bếp Gas Dã Ngoại Soto G-Stove | Shopee Việt Nam
Mua Bếp Gas Dã Ngoại Soto G-Stove giá tốt. Mua hàng qua mạng uy tín, tiện lợi. Shopee đảm bảo nhận hàng, hoặc được hoàn lại tiền Giao Hàng Miễn Phí. XEM …
Source: shopee.vn
Date Published: 9/9/2022
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SOTO Outdoors | Sparked by Nature. Outdoor Stoves …
SOTO Outdoors. Outdoor Stoves, Cookware, Lanterns and more. See Our Products. ;. Stoves · Cookware · Accessories · Lanterns. Join Our Email List!
Source: sotooutdoors.com
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Soto (SOTO) G stoves ST-320 – Amazon
Soto (SOTO) G stoves ST-320: Kitchen & Dining: Amazon.com.au.
Source: www.amazon.com.au
Date Published: 5/14/2022
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SOTO Outdoors G Stove – Campers’ Corner
SOTO Outdoors G Stove … Highly functional and compact body with innovative shape and design. A single burner with a thickness of 25mm when stored. The burner …
Source: www.camperscorner.com.sg
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Mua Soto ST-320 G Stove Single Burner for Camping Outdoor …
Mua sản phẩm Soto ST-320 G Stove Single Burner for Camping Outdoor Compact Cassette Gas, Mini Gas Burner, Gas Stove Burner, Strong Firepower, Solo Camping, …
Source: fado.vn
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SOTO G stove ST-320 single-burner camp for outdoor … – eBay
Fuel used: G-FUEL (STG-70), SOTO product container (CB can). ○ Notebook type single burner for compact storage. ○ Accessories: Storage case, auxiliary …
Source: www.ebay.co.uk
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SOTO G stoves ST-320 – On Your Mark – Camp Stove
SOTO G stoves ST-320 · Storage size world slimest thickness only 25mm · Brand new design, high function lightweight realization · V-word protection plate on the …
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주제와 관련된 이미지 soto g stove
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Japanese Cassette Stove – Soto G Stove ST-320. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

주제에 대한 기사 평가 soto g stove
- Author: TheOutdoorGearReview
- Views: 조회수 90,706회
- Likes: 좋아요 3,151개
- Date Published: 2019. 10. 9.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWBVFXHpWr0
Bếp Ga dã ngoại SOTO ST-320 Chính Hãng
Bếp ga dã ngoại Soto ST-320 có khả năng xếp lại rất gọn nhờ vào thiết kế tối ưu. Công suất cao cùng với sự gia công chính xác bằng vật liệu cao cấp chắc chắn đến từ Nhật Bản.
SOTO Outdoors G Stove
Highly functional and compact body with innovative shape and design. A single burner with a thickness of 25mm when stored. The burner part is protected by two guards, so it has the advantage of being sturdy and easy to pack.
Mua Soto ST-320 G Stove Single Burner for Camping Outdoor Compact Cassette Gas, Mini Gas Burner, Gas Stove Burner, Strong Firepower, Solo Camping, Touring, BBQ, Mountain Climbing, Camping Equipment, S
Họ tên đầy đủ Email Số điện thoại Số lượng Với số lượng từ 10 trở lên, Quý Khách sẽ được báo giá mua sỉ – + Mô tả Mã xác nhận Đổi mã
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Lưu ý: Fado sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm báo giá sai hoặc mua sai sản phẩm nếu Quý Khách không điền đầy đủ và chính xác thông tin bên trên.
SOTO G stove ST-320 single-burner camp for outdoor compact cassette ga Japanese
Nice form factor, clumsy operation
The packaging and fold down factor are nice and compact. The materials are quality. The problem is with the auto igniter reliability. Since you have to have the gas open to ignite, and with the piezo igniter not sparking, when it finally does ignite its in a plume of flame. Dangerous. Also, this is not a quick assembly disassembly like regular portable stoves.
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Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: new | Sold by: the_big_dipper_…
SOTO G stoves ST-320
Product Description
●Storage size world slimest thickness only 25mm
●Brand new design, high function lightweight realization
●V-word protection plate on the left and right sides of the stove head, with both windproof and thermal insulation functions
●Safe to use, not only strong but easy to store
●Maximum firepower up to 2.1kw
키워드에 대한 정보 soto g stove
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