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๐Ÿกโฌ‡ Housing Bubble and the Great Recession | 2008 Financial Crisis financial crisis 2008 explained

2008 Financial Crisis (The Great Recession) was initiated by bursting of the housing bubble. But why there was a housing bubble in the first place? What was the root cause of the crisis of credit? What was the government response?
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๐Ÿกโฌ‡ Housing Bubble and the Great Recession | 2008 Financial Crisis

๐Ÿกโฌ‡ Housing Bubble and the Great Recession | 2008 Financial Crisis

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๐Ÿกโฌ‡ Housing Bubble and the Great Recession | 2008 Financial Crisis
financial crisis 2008 explained
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34 thoughts on “๐Ÿกโฌ‡ Housing Bubble and the Great Recession | 2008 Financial Crisis financial crisis 2008 explained”

  1. The CRA was enacted in 1977 to combat redlining and other blatant discriminatory practices… Yeah, I'm not buying the argument that 30 years later banks were suddenly "afraid not to offer loans to 'high risk minorities.'" From the Federal Reserve (granted, a govt institution): "First, these commitments generally lack any enforcement mechanism and, to a large extent, may not represent increased lending or, surprisingly, even consist of CRA-targeted loans. For example, a Citigroup managing director testified to the FCIC that most CRA commitments "would have been fulfilled in the normal course of business" (FCIC, 2011, p. 99). The FCIC report also found that less than 1/4 of the loans pledged in the largest-ever CRA commitment ($800 billion by JPMorgan Chase) were to the lower-income borrowers and neighborhoods targeted by the CRA (FCIC, 2011, p. 97).

  2. Im a little concerned with the placement of blame on efforts to undo years of discriminatory policies of banks which refused to grant loans to minorities. The redlining and refusal of banks to grant loans to minorities was racist and the videos focus on trying to undo these policies (while insinuating that minorities are the only people who sought loans they could not pay back) is shaky at best. It was really lower white middle class that were the main recipients of these mortgages that they could not pay back. Lets place the blame on the financial institutions that prevented the equal distribution of mortgages and not on efforts to overturn racist policies.

  3. incredibly biased take. if you are going to put your own political opinions into an "educational video" make sure to say it in the title. this was 50% facts and 50% your opinion about the economy, label it that way

  4. Most of what you said is true, but you overestimate the impact of the Community Reinvestment Act as a trigger for the crisis. The Act stipulated that they weren't to make bad loans, and it doesn't explain the fact that many of the unregulated actors gorged themselves on the sub-prime market, often to the excess of banks effected by the CRA. Private lenders had an incestuous relationship with the ratings agencies that allowed them to secure the highest ratings for even the most sub-prime trash debt, which fueled the continued demand for crap MBSies as both the lenders and investors had no incentive to stop. It was, in fact, perverse market incentives which caused the crash, and moral hazard with Fannie/Freddie which exacerbated it (although they were also duped by the ratings). Fannie/Freddie should be completely privatized and the ratings agencies should be state-run to prevent conflicts of interest.

  5. 6:38 there's a recording of Andrew Cuomo admitting that despite his intentions for raising home ownership rates for minorities, they would also see a higher bankruptcy rate… He was head of Housing and Urban Development in 1997 when they put this affirmative action policy.

  6. it is true that greed is the cause of great recession. u know greed people make lower interest rate regulation lure people to make stupid decision in buying home.

  7. Maybe they should seek back the help and assistance of those individuals/group of persons who have COMPASSIONATELY helped sincerely in the past during the 2008 crisis without any monetary gratifications or kickbacks making 2020 a way better circumstance than it was before??๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. I agree with everything stated other than your concerns with CRA , which is something that is more up for debate. When isolated, the effect of the CRA isn't as large as you would think that it was, most of the risky loans made by institutions that caused the crash were not required by the CRA, or were made by loaners not covered by the regulation's umbrella. Moreover, the default rate on CRA-backed loans weren't significantly worse than the average loan, and there wasnt much evidence that it influenced the profitability of banks.

    The CRA was successful in its goal of countering redlining, which included discrimination against people of color with both high incomes and low, so there was room to make good loans under the CRA requirements. It explicitly stipulated that loans made under the guidelines were to remain profitable, and that there was no obligation to take losses.

    If we are looking for the true culprit of the crash, it has to be the state-backed Fannie/Freddie. A private firm wouldn't securatize such risky loans, or at least there wouldnt be an assumed AAA rating.

  9. I relate this expansion of the restaurant example which became a huge cost to how we are trying to colonize Mars. It will be a huge misallocation of Earth's resources and it won't be as if it we will cut ties and allow them to fend on their own. Mars will basically be a near permanent welfare recipient. Sometimes resources should be consolidated. It's like sending a family member to the ghetto, but he can't get on his feet and you need to send your money for him to survive. He would've been better off staying close to the family in a resource-heavy location. We don't need to be a two planet species. Has our level of happiness increased as we expanded over time? No, it's all relative. All we are doing is creating increasingly difficult challenges for ourselves.

  10. The reason people started not paying back their loans was when oil prices went to 150 per barrel and gas prices were above 4 per gal, the thinking was oh shit i have to go to work to keep my income so I will but gas and not eat out and slow my extra expenses. Now this slowed spending laid off workers and and they stopped paying their mortgages.

  11. Well we are currently writing the sequel in the United States right now stay tuned. Its called credit card debt, auto loans, student loans and housing loans debt. I heard its gonna be a box office hit.

  12. I think you have mis represented the role of CRA and regulation. The banks brought in great and unchecked risk into the market and the economy and tax payers paid for it. Why were these externalities not taken into account in building these products and making these trades? The banks and the โ€œfree marketโ€ played a major role in destabilising the US economy and the global economy. But they have not paid for it as yet.

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