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Build an AI Startup with PyTorch digital marketing cho ngu?i m?i b?t d?u

I’ve built an automated therapist app called MindRelaxr using PyTorch and a host of other tools (Dialogflow, Tensorflow Lite, Firebase, ONNX, Paypal, and Android Studio). I’m going to show you how I integrated these tools together to build a paid service that uses AI generated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques to help people reduce their depression and anxiety. This app uses a sentiment analysis model trained in PyTorch as well as Google’s cloud natural language processing service ‘dialogflow’ to provide low cost therapy. Enjoy!

Code for this video (includes the #AIStartupChallenge details):

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Build an AI Startup with PyTorch

Build an AI Startup with PyTorch

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#Build #Startup #PyTorch
Build an AI Startup with PyTorch
digital marketing cho ngu?i m?i b?t d?u
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44 thoughts on “Build an AI Startup with PyTorch digital marketing cho ngu?i m?i b?t d?u”

  1. Hi Siraj, thanks for your instruction.
    But I got an error when I run the code "torch.onnx.export(trained_model, dummy_input, "sentiment.onnx")"
    error message is "forward() missing 1 required positional argument: 'hidden'".
    What can I pass for the missing argument "hidden"?

  2. Does anyone tried out this tutorial in 2020!
    I am facing a issue with gradle build, can anyone please help me in fixing the issue!
    You can either reply here or your can shoot a mail at

    Thanks for reading,

  3. hi siraj i am sathya i built an good recommendation model for a retail store.
    i have an doubt about how to implement an app. can i built an startup based on recommendation sysytem.?

  4. Siraj! Definitely talk more about Firebase, android and cloud functions on Firebase! It is hard for folks like me to build apps when I'm not familiar with JavaScript(Firebase cloud functions) nor Android…:((

  5. torch.onnx.export(trained_model, dummy_input, "sentiment.onnx")

    this portion of the code refused to run.
    TypeError: forward() missing 1 required positional argument: 'hidden'

    does anybody have a solution?

    @siraj please help out


  6. The given onnx code to export .pth to .onnx is not working because it is copied from the
    "Export the trained model to ONNX" section of the code from this link:
    The dimensions of the Variable are directly copied hence wrong. Moreover, a tensor 'hidden' needs to be passed in the torch.onnx.export() function which is also not done. I wonder how did Siraj run it with this code.
    The rest of the Pytorch code is taken from the link:
    Contains the exactly same code used in the video to make the torch model.

  7. test_review_pos = 'This movie had ordinary acting and the dialogue was so ordinary. I tried it.' This got a Positive review: Prediction value, pre-rounding: 0.925677
    0.925677 Positive review detected! Artificial Intelligence, Bring it on!

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