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Can technology make you a better footballer? – BBC News technology bbc

With the new Premier League season underway, Click looks at the technology that could help you improve your game.
There are robotic legs that mimic your shots, a smart football tracked by an app while you perform drills and an augmented reality kit to teach you the rules of the game.

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Can technology make you a better footballer? - BBC News

Can technology make you a better footballer? – BBC News

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Can technology make you a better footballer? – BBC News
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22 thoughts on “Can technology make you a better footballer? – BBC News technology bbc”

  1. A dead at 51 man,body riddled of cancer a horrible death,had his sons life stolen by the nation sate and its illegal practice of a szchophrenia weapon of torture on him.Think not Russia or North Korea but the British.Targeted for years against his will,doctors and police officers involved in putting manufactured szchophrenia in a mans head.A royal connection.The people have a right to know who these torturers are.Front pages of every news paper,ever internet volgger,every critic.A human life deliberately abused,stolen,experimented on,exploitation by doctors,the police and television industry.It is not a joke.They could of ended it in 2007,but no.Made to hear from a torturer " wait until you take those tablets and what they do to you,"A reference to ant- psychotic medication,straight from a human rights criminal torturer who wanted to turn up the volume in torture.So don't call it a joke.Dead at 51,a royal connection prince Charles came to gloat at the tortured victim Before catching his royal train.These abusers want thanks,targeted everyday by szchophrenia weapon and psychological assault.The television industry can rot in hell.Dead at 51 and a family Collaborators.This is the most scandalous evil thing to happen in the British isles and want it stopped Now!

  2. Yes! Hitting the ball first time against a glass wall, digitalized into target segments of preset tasks, will improve your accuracy, timing, balance and weight transference from both feet.

  3. No Technology, only practicing makes you a better footballer. Playing Football aka Soccer Games on VR or VGC (Video Game Console) will also not make you a better footballer, they're just games for you to enjoy.

  4. Well it will help us in Video games but not in real life you need hardcore practice for to become good player you don't have time to think on pitch

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