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Introduction to Financial Derivatives financial derivatives

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Introduction to Financial Derivatives

Introduction to Financial Derivatives

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#Introduction #Financial #Derivatives
Introduction to Financial Derivatives
financial derivatives
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50 thoughts on “Introduction to Financial Derivatives financial derivatives”

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  6. The key is the use of the word "value." Value based in an asset, product or intellectual differs from "value" in this divorced value system.

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  7. The system I used for thermodynamics equations is similar but wording is different, what you call a derivative I call an extensive quantity which depends on the number of underlyings present where intensive quantity is what you call an underlying- it is invareient and does not depend on the number of derivatives present. this makes sense if you do physics or chemistry and it is far easier to make computational models out of it-> you just have t make a few transformations.

  8. I developed a similar system to this independantly- but for physics equations involving thermodynamics. it involves using extensive quantities, Internal Energy, Entropy, Enthalpy(Heat exchange rate) and finding their derivative w.r.t intensive quantities, Temperature, Number of particles, Pressure of system-> I use it to predict if I can generate a negative or positve increase in some derivative quantity in an equation, describing diffusion say, to counter random fluctuations.Its helped me alot

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