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Why your studying routine is f*cked digital marketing cho ngu?i m?i b?t d?u

If you want your studying routine to continue being f*cked, do the opposite of what’s in this video. After two years of studying alone in my room, these are the best studying techniques I’ve found.

Links mentioned:
Article version of this video (read if you don’t have time to watch) –
My Self-Created AI Masters Degree –
Coursera Learning How to Learn Course –
Genius Foods book –

2:36 – 1. Reduce the search space — too many decisions means no decisions, choose something to learn, take action and change it if you need.
8:43 – 2. Fix your environment — remove distractions, you don’t need your phone on your desk 24/7. Write down a list of things which bring you value and stick to those.
15:10 – 3. Set the system up so you always win — focus on what you can control not what you can’ control.
21:17 – 4. Sometimes do nothing — study like an athlete, intense sessions, then rest.
26:16 – 5. Embrace the suck — studying is hard, learning something new is hard. It will take time. 99% of your effort will be wasted. Remind yourself of this. Embrace it.
30:14 – 6. The 3-year-old mentality — what if you treated everything as play? When you’ve got a challenge, instead of it being work, it’s an opportunity for you to play. Instead of struggling concept to concept, dance to them.
33:58 – 7. Sleep — don’t trade study for sleep. Sleep is when your brain repairs itself and forms new connections. It’s what turns your short-term memories into long-term memories.
37:11 – 8. Nutrition — food is fuel. If you want to study well, eat well. Learn to cook, avoid over-processed foods, keep it simple. Read Genius Foods by Max Lugavere.
42:59 – 9. Movement — researchers have found exercising is the number 1 way to delay the onset of the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease progressively destroys memory and other important mental functions. You want to avoid this if you can. Keep moving. It’ll help you learn.
46:44 – Summary

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Why your studying routine is f*cked

Why your studying routine is f*cked

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Why your studying routine is f*cked
digital marketing cho ngu?i m?i b?t d?u
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37 thoughts on “Why your studying routine is f*cked digital marketing cho ngu?i m?i b?t d?u”

  1. Eh, Ice cream is a bad analogy: people usually want lots of choice because there's only so many times you can have chocolate, strawberry and vanilla before you want to try other flavors I would say you're a warehouse operator in a field of boxes and you want to find a specific box, but the boxes are all color coded rather than just using letters: this allows you to pick the box faster and more efficiently, way better analogy.

  2. By the way,talking about problem 13…Barbara Oakley in learning how to learning has proposed an excellent solution that she calls "INTERLEAVING"…if you get to problem set 13 and you can't get your way around it…skip it and do something else. Unknown to many of us, your brain continues to work on the problem and that's where the "aha"(eureka) moments come from…an answer to the problem come to you as you're taking a ride or a shower..but be sure to walk around with a notebook to note down those ideas AS THEY COME! It really works well for me and I avoid the frustration on not being able to get ahead!

  3. Hey dude, at 10.15 your mouth runs dry…there no harm in you taking a sip of water..seeing that you have a jug near you?! Is there? ever heard of cotton mouth? It's no joke…it's worse if you smoke!

  4. That's such a powerful statement at 1:01 "to create new things", through learning! Small wonder I watch you channel every so often! Thanks for the content…I found this segment really useful!

  5. Hey man, just messaged you on Twitter. I need your feedback on my study plan. My twitter name is itsjellyant (Anthony Gedeon) and I have the profile picture.

  6. Keep up the good stuff coming also please share your curriculum on ML,Maths,python etc which you had researched at the inception of the journey ! That would be helpful.

  7. Is it just me who watched the whole video in one go….
    Hit like if you hv too…

    P.s: i think daniel had let this video go off bcz he just shooted and post it on youtube w/o editing…
    Which is again great to see that he don't have to use jump cuts like other youtubers but could speak sense for a long streach of time.

    #love from INDIA.

  8. The video is 53 mins long but weirdly enough it still felt too short for all the ideas you were trying to convey. I think this video could've easily been broken down into multiple videos/topics. Just some food for thought

  9. This is an awesome video, kept me interested the whole time. You have really helped me to study on my own and stop procastinating.

  10. I am very thankful for you for uploading this kind of content… Pls don't get discouraged cos of the less views…. You've helped me a lot

  11. Have you ever ear about Apache Spark? I heard that is the future of machine learning, its 10 times faster than python (because of clustering processing), they use it for real-time analysis for applications. I'm learning it cause I start working for a tech company and they use it a lot. Can you make a video about this topic?

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